
  Dear Professor Blackstone I think your module is fantastic. I learnt alot from your module. I think you are a great teacher. At the start of the course, I set some goals for myself. One of them is to be able to communicate more effective with the people around me. Through reflection I met the goals to a small extent. I am able to communicate more clear as weeks pass. to improve my communication, I try to talk to people around me, also sometimes teach people around me Structure, Math and Fluid mechanics. To improve my critical thinking, I learnt to analyse avaliable facts and do proper observation. For the research project, we came up with a software to improve queue situation outside restroom. By doing the project we learnt software design is not easy and requires computer knowledge. We learnt presentation is a huge part of design because it enables us to properly deliver ideas to stakeholders and professors. Writing skills is also important as it gives reader clear understand of...
UCS pitch  
  Reader Response Draft 3   Water is a precious resource. This is especially true in Singapore where it lacks natural resources. To provide drinking water for its ever-growing population of 5.5 million, Singapore imports water from its neighbor country and adopts water desalination technology. In this essay we outline the design, technology and efficiency of Jurong Island plant.   “Desalination is a water treatment process which aims to convert seawater into portable water. It is a process that takes away mineral components from s aline water . s ea water   is desalinated to produce water suitable for  h uman consumption . Desalination processes are using either thermal methods such as  d istillation or membrane-based methods such as r everse osmosis . There are now about 21,000 desalination plants in operation around the globe. there is growth in desalination for agricultural use and highly populated areas such as Singapore or California.” (Wik...
  Assignment 1 Submission 1a (2300690) Dear Professor   I am writing to introduce myself. I was educated in Mechanical Engineering by the school of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering in Singapore Polytechnic. I took interest in engineering when I saw how buildings were made and how machines function. I believe all of us have our strengths and weaknesses. As engineers, we work as a team and therefore have to communicate with other engineers to build modern civilization as we see and know today. Everyone may have different ways of communicating and there are strength and weaknesses in communication. As a personal example, I may communicate with clarity, so other people can understand easily what I am trying to convey. However, I may be weak in being concise with words. This causes people to misunderstand what I am trying to convey. I believe it is important to set goals for what we do so we have a better understanding of how far or near we are to achieve the goa...
  This quote tells us that employers emphasize the significance of communication skills for graduates. Proficient communication is seen as crucial for securing employment and excelling in the workplace. Graduates should prioritize refining this skill to enhance their overall professional success. - Edmond and YaoYang